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Green Fulin | Practice the ESG concept of sustainable development


To promote the green development strategy and sustainable development goals of FULIN.SH, better practice the ESG concept, and improve the green development system, the ESG Management Department of the company organized training on sustainable development on July 7th.

The training focused on three aspects: Introduction to Sustainable ESG, What An Enterprise Could Do about ESG and Sustainable Development Results Display, analyzing the risks and characteristics of ESG in the new energy industry. The training covers carbon neutrality, green products, R&D and technological innovation, etc. It establishes and strengthens the awareness of sustainable development of employees.

At the end of the training, the ESG Management Department showed the sustainable development results of FULIN.SH, including carbon footprint management plan, clean energy consumption certificate, carbon footprint verification/training certification, product carbon footprint commitment with raw material suppliers, dynamic report on energy consumption data, report on carbon emissions to the government, etc. Following the principle of "Green FULIN.SH, Carbon Reduction Goes First", the Company has completed the carbon footprint verification of energy consumption, and will focus on promoting the joint carbon reduction of enterprises and the whole value chain.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to promote green development and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. FULIN.SH will implement the concept of green development, adhere to the environment protection policy of consolidating dual carbon goals and integrated development, establish the awareness of safety, production and ecological protection, strengthen system construction, and improve the ESG system and management level, contributing to green development.