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First National Ecological Day! FULIN.SH practices sustainable development and safeguards lucid waters and lush mountains


On August 15, 2023, China celebrated its first National Ecology Day. President Xi Jinping, on the occasion of the first National Ecology Day, made an important directive emphasizing that the whole society should take actions to be an active disseminator and model practitioner of the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.  

With the continuous promotion of ecological civilization construction, FULIN.SH is committed to achieving sustainable development. The company will strive to reduce the impact of business activities on the environment, including reducing energy consumption, reducing waste generation, phased reduction of value chain carbon emissions, improving resource utilization efficiency, and actively adopting renewable energy.  

Green Sustainable Development Goals  

In August 2021, FULIN.SH established the ESG Management Department to comprehensively carry out green and sustainable development work. At present, the energy consumption and carbon footprint verification has been completed, and the focus will be on promoting the joint carbon reduction of enterprises and value chains. It is expected to achieve carbon neutrality of enterprises by 2030 and value chains by 2035.  

Green Sustainable Development Results  

The company's Clean Electricity Consumption Certificate, Certificate of Carbon Footprint, Greenhouse Gas Verification Certificate, and other related sustainable development results.  

In the ongoing action of green and sustainable development  

The company's ESG management department regularly organizes ESG training and exchange meetings for green and sustainable development to learn how to do a good job in enterprise ESG, so that employees can establish and strengthen their awareness related to sustainable development and make the concept of sustainable development deeply rooted in people's hearts.  

FULIN.SH and Ganzhou Tianqi Recycling Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. have officially signed a cooperation framework agreement. Both parties will establish a long-term mechanism of lithium battery material recycling and reproduction project to integrate and share resources and collaborate on lithium battery recycling and comprehensive utilization, achieving an ecological close-loop of lithium battery recycling.  

Other projects such as green electricity, sewage reuse, and online monitoring of water and electricity usage are being promoted in an orderly manner.  

"Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets."! FULIN.SH will actively implement President Xi’s instructions, actively and deeply promote the green development strategy and sustainable development goals on the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, enhance ecological civilization awareness, promote the continuous improvement of the green development system, and jointly practice the concept of ecological civilization.