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Create Benefits with Quality | FULIN.SH Quality Month Activity Successfully Concluded.


In order to actively respond to the call of the 45th National Quality Month, fully implement the theme of "Deeply carry out quality improvement actions, vigorously and gradually promote the construction of a quality power", FULIN.SH has launched the "Create Benefits with Quality" Quality Month theme activity in September.  

Create Benefits with Quality  

Quality Month Activity  

In early September, the quality department of business department selected advanced quality management publicity materials, cases and related warning slogans to make into brochures and banners, publicized the quality culture through various channels, and created the atmosphere of the activity.  

On September 2, the quality department of the business department took the lead to organize relevant management personnel and engineers from production department and equipment department to participate in the Quality Month kick-off meeting. Related activities of the Quality Month were introduced in detail at the meeting, and then the quality management requirements will be fully implemented to continue to create a good atmosphere for the company to pursue high quality and for everyone to pay attention to quality.  

Thematic Training  

During the Quality Month activity, the quality department organized training on quality awareness, product standards and change management. The participation rate was 100% and the exam pass rate was 100%. The training target was successfully achieved.  

Standardization Team  

The standardization team was set up, and a total of 20 standardization problems were sorted out. Up to now, there are 14 due problems, 14 improvement problems being completed, with a improvement completion rate of 100%. The standardization team will also be a fixed task force to continuously improve the field operation standards.  

Quality Knowledge Contest  

Shehong phase-I/II production, technology, equipment, quality and other 7 teams participated in the quality knowledge contest. Promote employees to learn and apply the knowledge and methods of total quality management, improve the quality awareness of all employees, and improve the quality management level.  

Quality Case Sharing  

The staff of all departments summarized and refined the experience and lessons in quality work combined with their own quality responsibilities and work experience, and shared their comprehension and perception of the importance of quality work.  

Quality Pacesetter Selection  

After the self-recommendation and recommendation of all departments of the business divsion, a total of 2 quality pacesetters were selected, who set two good examples to stimulate the enthusiasm of all staff.  

During the Quality Month activity, the company also successively organized the "three inspection" special activities, "Everyone for quality" improvement suggestions collection, supplier improvement projects, equipment maintenance service improvement, quick reaction "weekly improvement" action and other activities. The active participation of all employees of the business department has enhanced the quality of the company's employees and promoted the healthy development of quality management.  

Create Benefits with Quality  

On October 10, the quality department of the business department organized the "Quality Month Summary and Commendation Meeting", which was attended by Tian Yu, director of the business department, Luo Shun, deputy director of the business department and manager of the quality department, heads of all departments of the business department and employee representatives. At the meeting, the first place of quality knowledge competition, quality pacesetter and excellent improvement suggestion award were awarded.  

First Place in the Quality Month Knowledge Contest  

Winner: Phase-I Equipment Team  

Quality pacesetter  

Left: Tan Xiaobo; Right: Feng Enlong  

Excellent Improvement Suggestion Award  

Production Department: Li Hong  

Quality Department: Liang Xuemei, Lin Hongmei, Ren Li, Tang Shiqiang, Wu Yuqing, Chen Qian  

Equipment Department: Qin Gang  

Deputy Director of the Business Department, Manager of Quality Department: Luo Shun  

At the meeting, Luo Shun, deputy director of the business department, mentioned: The Quality Month activity is very successful, I participated in it as a training instructor and activity judge, and saw many excellent teams and individuals in the entire business department. Quality Month activities are only the beginning of our efforts to closely, strictly, and tightly pay attention to quality. It is hoped that all colleagues will apply the knowledge learned in the Quality Month to practical work, enhance the quality awareness and innovative ideas of all staff of the business department, and do a good job in product quality, service quality and production quality.  

Director of Business Department: Tian Yu  

Finally, Tian Yu, director of the business department pointed out: Although the Quality Month has come to an end, there is no end to quality construction; We should take this Quality Month activity as an opportunity to continuously optimize and improve quality management work, and make product quality to the extreme. It can not be achieved just by shouting slogans, the business department must pass this concept to the hearts of each employee. The whole department moves together towards this goal, running the quality work through the whole process of company economic development. Of course, you are welcome to put forward more optimization suggestions in the future work. Once adopted, there will be a reward. Because we can only progress through continuous optimization, improvement, and promotion. Next, our first-phase and second-phase production line will continue to work hard, and I hope you can show your fighting spirit and continue to help the high-quality development of the enterprise.