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FULIN.SH carries out pre-festival safety inspection


In order to further strengthen the safety supervision work, implement investigation and rectification of the major accident hidden trouble, consolidate the safety situation, and prevent all kinds of safety production accidents from happening, on June 21st, under the organization of safety and environmental protection department, Fulin.SH carried out the special pre-festival safety inspection, with the participation of the safety and environmental protection department, the production department, the public auxiliary/equipment department, and the comprehensive department and other relevant responsible personnel.

The safety inspection team has carried out a comprehensive inspection of the factory gate, fire control room, office area, public auxiliary areas, production workshop and other areas, focusing on the normal operation of facilities and equipment, fire safety, emergency supplies reserves, personal protective equipment for on-site personnel to carry out special inspections.

At present, the company is in full production, and safety production is the most important, so all the staff should be highly responsible, seriously and solidly grasp the work of production safety, firmly establish the concept of safety development, and tighten the pressure on the responsibility for safety. Through this special inspection, the main responsibility of production safety has been further implemented, the awareness of safety prevention has been strengthened, the security hidden dangers have been timely deployed, the rectification measures have been implemented and the loop has been closed to ensure the safe production and smooth operation during the Dragon Boat Festival.