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Ensuring Universiade, Preventing Disasters and Accidents | Strengthening Responsibility for Safe Production


On July 28, 2023, the 31st Summer World University Games were grandly held in Chengdu. In order to fully ensure the continuous and stable safety production of our company during the Chengdu Universiade, and to implement the work deployment of " Ensure the normal operation of the Universiade and prevent disasters and accidents", each department of FULIN.SH has refined their work measures, implemented work tasks and responsibilities, increased inspection efforts, and strictly followed the company's safety management requirements and standards in production.

Work safety

Enhance the sense of responsibility crisis during the Universiade, conduct in-depth and continuous special inspections and rectification of major safety hazards, analyze safety loopholes, implement responsibilities, clarify rectification measures, and ensure the safe and orderly implementation of production work. The production department strengthens the safety management of special operations, arranges work hours reasonably, and pays attention to the physical and psychological conditions of employees.

Ensuring Universiade, Preventing Disasters and Accidents

Strengthening Responsibility for Safe Production

Safety training

The company has organized multiple training sessions for employees on flood prevention, high-temperature operations, and safety operations, standardized on-site safety operations, enhanced employee awareness of safety production, and resolutely implemented safety measures, laying a solid foundation for the safe operation and steady development of the enterprise.

Security Quality

Control and register personnel and vehicles entering and exiting the company to ensure good order, inspect water, electricity, doors and windows, and other safety related facilities within the company, and improve the quality of security services for various works of the company.

Environmental Protection

The administrative department of the company conscientiously implements the work of cleaning, sorting, and straightening, daily provides environmental protection for office areas, public areas, and production workshops, inspects the cleanliness and hygiene situation within the scope of responsibility, promptly solves problems found, and keeps work records.

Food Safety

Prepare fresh dishes every day, keep the cafeteria clean and tidy, clean and disinfect catering utensils, use electricity and gas safely, so that employees can feel the care and warmth of the company while ensuring the health and safety of every employee.

During the 31st FISU Summer World University Games in Chengdu, FULIN.SH closely followed the pace of the government, and all employees gathered together to comprehensively carry out safety production, self-inspection and self-correction, ensuring safety production and preventing unsafe incidents. They took practical actions to do a good job in safety work, comprehensively improve safety management, and build a strong safety defense.