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Protecting Trade Secrets, Safeguarding Business Development!


On November 13, 2023, in order to implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and to further promote the protection of trade secrets, Zheng Shenghong, second-level researcher of the Competition Department of Administration for Market Regulation of Sichuan Province, Zhang Jingquan, chief of the Competition Section of Administration for Market Regulation of Guang’an, Yu Lei, chief of the Competition Section of Administration for Market Regulation of Dazhou, Jingyun, vice mayor of the People's Government of Shehong City, and Shi Zhonghao, chief engineer of Administration for Market Regulation of Suining, and other relevant leaders and experts visited FULIN.SH to carry out Field Research and Evaluation of Trade Secret Protection Innovation Pilot. Mr. Chen Qian, Deputy General Manager of FULIN.SH, participated in the whole process.

At the meeting, Zheng Shenghong made a speech on the importance of trade secret protection based on the characteristics of the local economy and industry. From the perspective of trade secret rights protection, he explained in detail the basic legal knowledge of trade secrets, infringement relief methods, and corporate trade secret management and protection measures.

Chen Qian expressed his gratitude to Administration for Market Regulation of Sichuan Province and all leaders for their concern and guidance to the enterprise. The protection of trade secrets is an important task to strengthen the fight against unfair competition, a critical part of intellectual property protection, and the core competitiveness of high-tech enterprises. The company has always attached great importance to building a self-protection mechanism for trade secrets, improving the awareness and ability of all employees to protect trade secrets, strengthening the management of confidential personnel, information, areas and activities, creating a good working atmosphere, and helping the company develop steadily.

Jingyun emphasized that the trade secret innovation pilot is a pioneering work and is related to the optimization of the business environment, high-quality development and overall economic and social development. FULIN.SH, as the first lithium battery company in Suining City to apply for the implementation of trade secret standards, integrates this work with its daily work to improve the company's core and competition consciousness, and create a good atmosphere for co-creation in the city.

For a long time, FULIN.SH has popularized the knowledge of trade secret protection to its employees through lectures and training, hanging publicity posters, setting up warning slogans and explaining the guidelines for trade secret protection, established rules and regulations in line with the characteristics of the industry and technological requirements, and perfected the regulations on the protection and management of trade secrets, so as to stimulate the innovative and creative activities of the enterprise, contributing to the high quality development of the economy and society.