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The Inaugural ESG Supply Chain Conference of FULIN.SH Successfully Concludes


On October 16, FULIN.SH organized the Inaugural ESG Supply Chain Conference at its Sichuan base, advocating partners to participate in and jointly promote the "sustainable development" of the entire supply chain. The conference was divided into FULIN.SH ESG work report, carbon footprint management training, carbon reduction goals & path exchanges.

FULIN.SH ESG work report

Chen Zejun, director of the Sustainable Development Department, and Wang Tao, the supervisor, respectively demonstrated the phased results achieved by our company in ESG construction from aspects such as FULIN.SH's system establishment, carbon footprint verification, and carbon reduction paths.

Carbon footprint management training

Experts conducted systematic training on corporate carbon reduction background and carbon footprint verification standards, with the concept, trends and progress of life cycle carbon neutrality, and guidance on how to use carbon footprint inspection methods and tools at its core.

Carbon reduction goals, paths and exchange

According to the 2022 FULIN.SH Product Carbon Footprint Report, supply chain carbon emissions account for about 90% of total LCA emissions, so the key is to address supply chain carbon reduction. On the conference, the partners had a heated discussion on carbon footprint accounting standards and carbon reduction paths, and all expressed their willingness to jointly build a green and low-carbon supply chain, share the results of carbon reduction, and shoulder the responsibility for carbon reduction together.

Chen Qian, deputy general manager of FULIN.SH, said: Thank you very much for all partners participating in and jointly promoting the "sustainable development" of the supply chain. With the global consensus on carbon neutrality and the country's proposal this year for the strategic transition from"dual control on energy intensity and total consumption toward controlling both the amount and intensity of carbon emissions"; EU battery law, carbon tariffs and other barriers also bring new challenges to corporate carbon reduction management, so ESG work is imperative. Today's launch meeting is just a good start. In the later stage, carbon reduction goals should be quantified and carbon reduction paths should be formulated in order to reach a consensus on a carbon neutral strategy.

"Green Fulin, Pioneering Carbon Reduction", FULIN.SH will implement the concept of green development, empower suppliers to reduce carbon and improve efficiency, create a low-carbon supply chain, and at the same time jointly learn and improve ESG management, in order to contribute to "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals".